Thank you to the Volunteers for the Café Scientifique Event!

The Café Scientifique Community Connections event took place on October 5 in Toronto. We are thrilled to see all the...

Volunteers Needed for the N2 Café Scientifique Event

As shared with the N2 Community a few weeks ago, we received a CIHR Café Scientifique grant. This project, led by the...

Volunteers Needed for the N2 Café Scientifique Event

As shared with the N2 Community a few weeks ago, we received a CIHR Café Scientifique grant. This project, led by the...

N2 to Present at the SOCRA Canadian Regulatory Conference

Co-chairs of the CTEA Committee Sarah Bridges and Munaza Jamil, are presenting at the SOCRA Canadian Regulatory...

CIHR’s Café Scientifique Grant Received!

We are thrilled to announce that N2 is a recipient of a CIHR Café Scientifique grant. This project is led by the...
Vote for the Participators!

Vote for the Participators!

  The Clinical Trials Education and Awareness Committee (CTEA) would appreciate your support!  The Participators video was submitted for the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) Talks 2021 Awards competition. The public voting for the...