N2 is pleased to share the recent success of our partner CATALIS Québec in launching CLINICAL...
N2 Members
CATALIS Quebec Partners with N2 Canada for Provincial Contract
N2 is very proud to partner with CATALIS Quebec. Through this partnership, CATALIS Quebec...
The Royal Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Forensic Mental Health
The Royal Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Forensic Mental Health is an initiative of the Integrated...
Clinical Trials Ontario’s Participant Experience Toolkit
Clinical Trials Ontario has developed a Participant Experience Toolkit to help clinical trials participants feel informed and valued. They are continuing to build new resources for it and hope people will join their workshops. Click here for more information...
N2 would like to welcome our newest members
N2 would like to give a big welcome to our newest members. Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux des Laurentides Hôpital régional de Saint-Jérôme Bold Therapeutics CATALIS Quebec AGGClinical Ryerson University Innovative Medicines Canada (Rx&D) Praxis...
Read ACRC’s Newsletter about the Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Health Research in Alberta
The Alberta Clinical Research Consortium (ACRC) just released their Clinical Research Source newsletter on the topic of The Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Health Research in Alberta. Click here to read the newsletter.
Read N2 Member Bay Area Research Logistics New Blog
N2 member Bay Area Research Logistics has a new blog about #ClinicalTrials and #ClinicalResearch! Read their latest entry, Clinical Trial Participant Diversity: The Gaps and How Logistics Strategies Can Solve Them Don't forget to subscribe to their monthly blog.
Q-CROC launches new Clinical Trial search engine website
Congratulations to N2 member Q-CROC who has launched their website OncoQuébec. This website allows you to search clinical trials in oncology by keywords or filters. The platform contains studies currently recruiting participants in Quebec, and those that will soon be....
Clinical Research Glossary from ACRC
The Alberta Clinical Research Consortium has updated their glossary of commonly used terminology in Clinical Research training. Thank you for all your hard work! Click here to access.
Save the Date for Clinical Research Excellence Week at SickKids!
For the eighth year in a row, SickKids is celebrating Clinical Trials Day 2019 with a week-long schedule of events over the lunch hour from May 21-24, 2019! Everyone at SickKids is welcome to celebrate clinical research and receive a free lunch, valuable takeaways,...