Launch of Clinical Trials Quebec, Powered by CATALIS!

Written by Barbara Brown

December 12, 2023

N2 is pleased to share the recent success of our partner CATALIS Québec in launching CLINICAL TRIALS QUEBEC #CTQ, a brand-new information and services hub for all things clinical research!

Powered by the CATALIS Quebec Network and developed in partnership with the Quebec government, Clinical Trials Quebec (CTQ) is an innovative provincial tool that makes it easy for everyone to learn about clinical research and find clinical trials.

CTQ offers high-quality, impartial, comprehensive, and accessible information about clinical research and clinical trials. The website also provides free tools and services such as a Personalized Clinical Trial Support Service, Québec’s Public Clinical Trials Database, a Directory of Patient Organizations and a Glossary of complex medical terms.

As a member of the CATALIS Network, our organization is proud to see this project come to life.

We invite you to discover the Clinical Trials Quebec website today!

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