Volunteers Needed for the N2 Café Scientifique Event

As shared with the N2 Community a few weeks ago, we received a CIHR Café Scientifique grant. This project, led by the Clinical Trials Education and Awareness (CTEA) Committee, is to bring together People With Lived Experience as new immigrants to Canada to engage members of this underrepresented community to increase awareness and understanding of clinical trials and to increase understanding of the barriers they face in participating in clinical trials.

We are looking for local people within the N2 Community who are willing to join the team at the event. The following positions are needed to be filled:

  • 3-5 notetakers
  • 1-3 facilitators
  • 3 extra volunteers for various tasks

If you are willing and available to help, please email n2@n2canada.ca and include ‘Café Scientifique’ in the subject line. The event takes place October 5, 2023 in Toronto at the Lawrence Heights Community Centre, 5 Replin Rd. Toronto, Ontario from 6:30-8:30 PM EST.

N2 Welcomes New Education Committee Co-Chair

N2 is excited to announce the new Education Committee Co-Chair, Suzanne Crowe, Clinical Research Facilitator at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Suzanne joined the Education Committee in early 2022. Suzanne is taking over for Committee co-chair Jasmine Grant. We want to thank Jasmine for all her support over the years; her efforts and skills have been invaluable to developing N2 educational content. Jasmine will remain as a member of the Education Committee to continue adding her invaluable expertise to support the clinical research community

Suzanne earned her technical diploma in Biotechnology in 2006. She worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator in Cardiac Surgery before becoming the Clinical Research Facilitator in the Office of Clinical Research and Compliance at the Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation in 2021. Suzanne is a Certified Clinical Research Professional through the Society of Clinical Research Associates and has over 10 years of clinical research experience.

Access the Updated Guidance for Health Canada Inspections

The N2 Quality Committee released their updated guidance for ‘Health Canada Inspections.’

The guidance supports Qualified Investigators and Sponsor-Investigators to prepare for the three on-site or virtual inspection phases: pre, during, and post!

The information within the guidance has been reviewed and revised by N2 members across Canada with the current Health Canada inspection experience.

N2 members can access this resource through their login information. If you need help accessing resources, please reach out to n2@n2canada.ca.

Volunteers Needed for the N2 Café Scientifique Event

As shared with the N2 Community a few weeks ago, we received a CIHR Café Scientifique grant. This project, led by the Clinical Trials Education and Awareness (CTEA) Committee, is to bring together People With Lived Experience as new immigrants to Canada to engage members of this underrepresented community to increase awareness and understanding of clinical trials and to increase understanding of the barriers they face in participating in clinical trials.

The event will take place on October 5 at 6:00 PM EST in Toronto, Ontario. Location TBD. 
We are looking for local people within the N2 Community who are willing to join the team at the event to help facilitate discussions with the participants or take notes during the discussions. 
If you are willing and available to help, please email n2@n2canada.ca and include ‘Café Scientifique’ in the subject line.