Read the N2 Annual Conference Summary


Written by Barbara Brown

April 21, 2021

The 14th N2 Annual Conference was held on February 2-4, 2021. N2 would like to give a big thank you to all the presenters, the N2 planning committee, and Samaaro, the team hosting the digital platform.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to adapt how we managed the conference this year. Although we provided a digital attendance option through Zoom at the previous conference, this year was the first time we held a completely digital conference! Networking is an integral part of the N2 Annual Conference, and at the end of each day, a one-hour networking option was available to attendees in a digital lobby.

With so many changes over the past year, we felt that our annual conference should reflect these changes. The theme for this years’ conference was Bursting the Clinical Trials Bubble, and we saw presentations related to equity, diversity, and the impacts of COVID-19 on clinical research.

Our keynote address, Dr. Cheryl Barnabe from the University of Calgary, discussed inclusive approaches within Indigenous Peoples in clinical research. Following Dr. Barnabe’s presentation, a panel discussed equity, diversity, inclusion, and broader representation in clinical trials.

Dr. Carole Légaré from Health Canada spoke about changes within Health Canada related to COVID-19. With perspectives from researchers, Research Ethics Boards, sponsors, a patient who had contracted COVID-19, a panel discussion delved into the long-term impacts of COVID-19. Additionally, on day three, Dr. Rachel Syme facilitated a discussion on the effects of COVID-19 on clinical research from an N2 member perspective.

Ms. Caitlin Cassidy, a family member of Paddi O’Hara, gave a heartfelt presentation about the first Annual Paddi O’Hara Lecture Award. Ms. Corinne Babiolakis was named the first recipient of the award.

We also saw the new pediatric clinical trials video launch, The Participators, developed and presented by the N2 Clinical Trials Education and Awareness (CTEA) committee. The video is available on the N2 YouTube channel in both English and French.

With the unknowns related to COVID-19, the 15th Annual Conference scheduled for 2022 will also be held on a digital platform. As technology continues to evolve, we will look for new ways to present material and options to network.

Read the N2 Annual Conference Summary


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