N2 and CITI Canada are pleased to announce the launch of the “Introductory Course on Privacy and Security for Personal Health Information in the Canadian Health Research Environment.”
This course was developed in order to provide learners with a basic understanding of privacy and security requirements for health research with humans. It provides important information, based on accepted privacy and security standards and regulatory requirements, for the appropriate collection, use, dissemination retention and destruction of PHI within the health research environment. The materials address requirements set out in guidance documents such as the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS) as well as federal, provincial and territorial legislation including PIPEDA: Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
Although the main focus of this course is on personal health information (PHI) as opposed to all personal information (PI), since PHI is a subset of PI, the same principles apply to both categories of information and PI is mentioned frequently throughout the course. This means that the course can have applicability to all types of research conducted with humans.
The primary target audience for this course is anyone who administers, reviews or conducts health research (which is research that involves the collection of health data such as occurs in – but is not limited to – clinical research). Since many of the same principles apply to other types of research the secondary target audience for this course is anyone who administers, reviews or conducts research with humans where privacy issues may be important.
Privacy & Security Modules: