Here are some trustworthy resources to help you find a clinical trial.
- Health Canada’s clinical trials database. This is the landing page for Health Canada’s database that allows you to search for phase 1, 2 and I3 clinical trials in Canada involving pharmaceutical and biological drugs. If you wish to find more information on a clinical trial in the database, you should speak to your physician and/or contact the clinical trial sponsor that is listed.
- International Standard Registered Clinical/soCialsTudy Number (ISRCTN).
This is the homepage for a searchable clinical trial registry recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (also called ICMJE). Clinical research studies (whether proposed, ongoing or finished) anywhere in the world are part of this database.
- World Health Organization Clinical Trials Search Portal. This is WHO’s homepage where you can look for a clinical trial anywhere in the world. If the same clinical trial is listed in more than one place, the results will show that results for that clinical trial grouped together.
- Canadian Cancer Trials. This is the homepage for a site that was created by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, and allows you to search for a cancer clinical trial anywhere in Canada.
- Clinical This is the homepage of the US National Institutes of Health clinical trial database, which allows you to search privately and publicly funded clinical studies around the world.
- Clinical Trials Ontario’s Clinical Trials Finder. This is the homepage to search for a clinical trial anywhere in Canada. The site is hosted by Clinical Trials Ontario and searches for clinical trials, and provides fewer and simpler search features in efforts to make it easier to use.
You may also find out more about how to be in a clinical trial by asking your doctor or another member of your healthcare team.