Community Kudos for May 2024

Written by Barbara Brown

May 29, 2024

For those who attended the May 28, 2024 Community Forum will know we deferred the ‘Community Kudos’ segment in order to have more time to hear the excellent presentations for the session. We do want to acknowledge the following people:

  • Raisa Chowdhury and Vinesha Ramasamy from the Canadian Cancer Trials Network (3CTN) Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiative – For the excellent presentation on the 3CTN EDI Toolkit at the N2 Community Forum on May 28. This toolkit will help make progress against the long-needed shortcomings in offering clinical research and trials opportunities to equity-denied communities.
  • Alicja Kasina – For all her help liaising and coordinating presentations and dialogues with her Health Canada Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch colleagues. Thanks to Alicja, the N2 community has benefited from a number of sessions and information calls from the ROEB in the past few months, with more to come in 2024.
  • Janette Panhuis – Thank you for serving on N2’s volunteer Board of Directors. Aside from her general Board functions, Janette was instrumental in establishing new elements of N2’s governance structure and she has kindly stayed on as a member at large on the Governance and Nominations Standing Committee of the Board.
  • Daniela Bianco – Thanks too for serving on N2’s volunteer Board of Directors. Aside from her general Board functions, people will know Daniela was especially integral in her role at the helm of N2’s CTEA Committee, now the Public Engagement Committee.

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