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CIHR Pan-Canadian Network for HIV and STBBI Clinical Trials Research

The Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN) is committed to developing treatments, vaccines and a cure for HIV disease and AIDS through the conduct of scientifically sound and ethical clinical trials. The CTN is an innovative partnership of clinical investigators, physicians, nurses, people living with HIV/AIDS, pharmaceutical manufacturers and others that facilitate HIV/AIDS clinical trials.

CIUSSS du Centre Ouest-de-l’Ile-de-Montreal (HGJ)

Mission of our Research Center

CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest de Ille de Montreal (HGJ) is specialized in mental health research. Its mission is to prevent, treat, and rehabilitate individuals with mental disorders such as psychosis, mood disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, psychopathy and autism. CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest de Ille de Montreal (HGJ) uses biological, clinical, and technological platforms to support and develop future practices in mental health.